More about Sassy Sober Mum
Hi I’m Teri. I live on the south coast of England with my husband and 3 daughters.
I decided to quit drinking on 29th April 2019, after too many years of drinking more than I wanted to. At first, drinking was fun and relaxing and a way to connect with friends and peers, but it progressed into drinking alone and often without an ‘off switch’, and that began to really bother me.
I had tried two bouts of sobriety before eventually quitting for good. I knew giving up was a desire buried deep within me but I got really good at ignoring it, and continued drinking and feeling horribly hungover for years.
When I got into my 40’s, I just decided enough was enough. Alcohol wasn’t serving me and I was desperate to learn another way of living. I took the very brave decision to stop drinking after another very messy night out with the girls and so here I am.
I specialise in emotional sobriety, which is the key to long term sober success.
I also run my own podcast show sharing other peoples stories of alcohol and sobriety which has become hugely popular across the globe. I run a women's only online membership group, helping dozens of women crack the sober code and reach milestones they haven't managed to before. I coach clients one-to-one and I have just released my online THRIVE Sober Course which contains everything I know about getting emotional sober.